Taste of Wantagh
Wantagh Chamber of Commerce
Thursday, September 17, 2009


On Thursday September 17, 2009 from 5 to 8 p.m., Wantagh's finest restaurants, bistros and food providers offered its annual A Taste of Wantagh. The event was held at Mulcahy's Pub on Railroad Avenue in Wantagh.

The Wantagh Chamber of Commerce sponsored this event.  The proceeds were used for Wantagh’s beautification projects and community events.  The proceeds from "Taste of Wantagh" helped to fund this years annual Holiday Lighting Festival.

Dining establishments including Duffy's Wing House, Hemingway's American Bar & Grill, Iavarone Brothers Food, Kwong Ming, Sporito, Umberto’s, Zucker Baker’s and Pita Lovers of Wantagh were just a few that made this years A Taste of Wantagh event a hit.


Iavarone Brothers

Kwong Ming Egg Rolls

Zucker Baker's

Pita Lovers



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